The Elkhorn Antique Flea Market was Great as Always


A great place to find Dad a gift. A great place to find Dad a gift.

No Egrets was set up at our favorite place The Elkhorn Antique Flea Market.

Held at the Walworth County Fair Grounds in Elkhorn WI, just off Interstate I-43 West on Hwy 11.

The market drew vendors and shoppers from quite a good distance, because of its reputation for keeping out the tube socks and tupperware type dealer, tightly controlled by owners Nona and Skip.

Our booth is #216, as marked plainly at each booth entrance and in the 200 row just off the main entrance gate.  Held four times a year, the next one is Sunday,August 10, 2014, with dealer set-up and early buy-in on Saturday for the motivated collector looking to beat the crowd.



West Bend Antique Show, What a Great Day For Antique Hunters


No Egrets Antiques & Estate Sales

No Egrets Antiques & Estate Sales

Our booth was set up and waiting for the doors to open on the first day of the West Bend Antique Show on Saturday, January 18, 2014. We had spent a great deal of time on preparing for this event, readying a variety of antiques, many purchased on a recent Southern buying trip and on other adventures over the last year. The crowd was waiting for the doors to open on Saturday.  Nona and Skip of NL Promotions always draw a large crowd for this great event and at their Elkhorn Antique Markets in summer.

This two day show has been and continues to be the place where we bring our best finds; we title them our “A” Game. It may be that time of year when you’re finally buying something for yourself instead of gifts for family, friends or co-workers. Or after the holiday decor’ was put away, you see a gap on the wall or a place around the room that needs filling.

What better place than an antique show to reward yourself with a special find for your collecting or decorating needs?  Val spent the better part of two weeks just getting the antiques selected, priced and packed for this show. She chooses items from our stock that reflect current trends in the market; things that are hot and determining what is not.  She does her best to group items that are similar, but at different price points, since pricing must reflect what the buyer is willing to pay.

Friday was setup, with some extra time to chat with our fellow dealers, companions from here and other shows. We have a look around to view the other booths and marvel at the great stuff different sellers have to offer. We even find a treasure or two for our own collections!

As always we had a great time, enjoyed the conversations with our customers, shared our stories and listened to their tales on the joy of finding antique treasures.

We will continue to search for the oddities you have come to expect from No Egrets Antiques, and hope to see you at Cabin Fever Flea Market at the Knights Of Columbus Hall, 1800 S. 92nd Street, West Allis Wisconsin. It will be held on Sunday, March 2nd.  Just look for the guy with the tie.

Just a reminder: We are always interested in discussing items you may want to sell, either directly or through our estate sale service. No Egrets is reachable by email- or 414-916-7829 to discuss your options, and see our Estate Sale site for more information.



Our next event is at the Pontiac Center In Janesville WI

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No Egrets has a busy schedule lined up for the next several months, with an antique show in Janesville, Wisconsin at the Pontiac Center on January 4th & 5th 2014.  This will be our first time setting up here, but as buyers, we have enjoyed this venue in the past. We are excited to finally have a booth to show our great assortment of antiques.  Look for us in booth number 26.

No Egret will be at the West Bend Fair Grounds on January 18th and 19th, 2014,  an N.L. Promotions event were we will have the same booth as in past years.

Please join us for a great antique show and sale at both events, and we hope to wow you with our latest offerings.

On a lighter note, you will find us at “Cabin Fever” Flea Market on Sunday March 2nd 2014, held in Columbus Hall 1800 S. 92nd St. West Allis WI.

If you have questions about any of these events please feel free to email No Egrets, Valerie or Dean, OR

Please remember, No Egrets Estate Sales, if you’re in need of our service, we can be reached at 414-916-7829, for a discussion of the best options for your transition or for that of a loved one.